5 Apps for Your Phone in 2018

Dark Sky

Dark Sky continues to gather the best weather data. Its new look and best feature which includes the unified timeline that has an easy to read scrollable timeline hours and days ahead. In my opinion, it is the best weather app available, and it presents a vast amount of information while being user friendly.



Karma is an App that connects you to charities and nonprofits. Maybe you want to volunteer or make donations?  It’s set up to make it seamless for all the groups looking to reach out. However you want you want to assist, there are various options such as..homeless and animal shelters to orphans and much more.


Smart Phone



The app records audio, allowing users to type out notes (with rich text and image support), automatically time stamped with “time tags” . The iPhone can be used as a audio recording and note-taking tool  for lectures, meetings etc.  Of course it is synced through iCloud.  Save up to five recordings, while adding features such as noise reduction and exporting notes to PDF.



A basic, user friendly App helps you identify fonts, using optical character recognition and your iPhone’s camera lenses as a viewfinder. Just snap a picture of the font you want to, and the app takes over. Simple…



Apple’s Clips video app is an all-in-one package. Its purpose is to take video clips, edit, share with your social media contacts. The user friendly controls allow the editing tools, make it easy to insert voice, filters, special effects and much more. the best part is the ease in sending it to your contacts to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other social media outlets.



Free Useful Sites

It is always important to keep learning. Today the web provides access to so many amazing free sites that we can take advantage of continue to “grow our brain.”

Some sites that I like to visit when time is available…



edX is an online learning destination and MOOC provider, offering high-quality courses from the world’s best universities and institutions to learners everywhere.


Fitness tips etc.


Learn a variety of subjects etc.


Short talks with different, informative messages.

Just a sample of many that I like to use.


Just Respond Darn It!

For a few years now I have been on this crazy kick trying to understand why most individuals don’t respond, whether it be via email, voice,  pony express etc.  Initially I just accepted it as human nature…but why? Why don’t people respond? Is it  geographical a issue (laid back, too busy), procrastination, fear respondof being rude? Does the non-responding individual have an ego problem? Personally I have much more respect for an individual that is willing to share not so good news than an individual that hides and doesn’t respond. Don’t you?

I want to share with you one of my favorites chrisbrogan, his site is one that  I visit on a regular basis.  His post 10 Things You Could Do Better Today got my attention of course! Have a look at # 1 !

The list…

1. Improve your response time to requests. <–I might add respond at all.
2. Improve the brevity and simplicity of your email correspondence.
3. Connect with five new people and seven existing colleagues or friends each day.
4. Inspect your business process cycle from start to finish for improvements.
5. Rethink your approach to helping others succeed.
6. Increase the amount of times you connect others together to build new relationships.
7. Resolve three pieces of unfinished business, no matter how painful.
8. Live closer to your goals and your main points of focus, and less by reaction.
9. Take time to thank the people who make your life possible.
10. Rest and unplug.

The other 9 are very useful points as well! So why do you think people don’t respond? Is it intentional or unintentional? Does the mind start playing tricks on us when we don’t have an answer…….we deserve a response. Don’t we? Just respond darn it!

The Keyword Wall

Now days everything is so automated. When applying for a job you might be in the company of 100+ applicants! So what does the hiring company do to filter out applicants? They use keywords to narrow down the prospects. I keywordunderstand the logic behind it but I don’t necessarily agree with it for most positions. A doctor, engineer or maybe a chemist to name a few examples makes sense. Unfortunately this is how it is and I do not see it changing anytime soon.  So what does one do to get past the filter process and have a person actually look at your resume?

Some ideas:

1-Look over the position thoroughly and rearrange your resume using specific words to match the job description.

2-Use a cover letter that has appropriate keywords to match the job description.

3-Send multiple resumes with different keywords (same meaning).

4-If a phone # or email is listed call and email the contact person, it shows that you are assertive.

Extra effort is required in today’s world ….. Be assertive and stand out!

More on Keywords, How can keywords help with a job search?


During a typical lifespan, a human spends a total of about six years dreaming (which is about two hours each night). It is unknown where in the brain dreams originate, if there is a single origin for dreams or if multiple portions of the brain are involved, or what the purpose of dreaming is for the body or mind.


Some dream quotes:

“Dreams that do come true can be as unsettling as those that don’t.”- Brett Butler

“Hope is a waking dream.”- Aristotle

“Keep true to the dreams of thy youth.”-Friedrich von Schiller

“Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.”- John Updike

Why should you bother remembering your dreams?

1. Your dreaming mind has access to vital information that is not readily available to you when you are awake. Your dreams may reveal your secret desires and subconscious feelings.

2. In remembering your dreams, you will have an increased knowledge about yourself, bring about self-awareness and self-healing.  Dreams are an
extension  of how you perceive yourself. They can be a source of inspiration, wisdom,  joy and overall improved psychological health.

3. Learning to recall your dreams may help you become a more assertive person.  In remembering your dreams, you are expressing and confronting your feelings.

4. Dreams can help guide you though difficult decisions, relationship issues, health concerns, career questions or any life struggle you may be going through.

5. Remembering your dreams can help you come to terms with stressful aspects of your lives.

Maybe it is time to dream!

Sources: Dream Moods, Wikipedia

Online Training

With little time and ‘or convenience many people are turning to distance learning (online). Some benefits:

online1.  Online training can be an affordable alternative. Companies can save up to two-thirds of what classroom-based courses cost.
2.  More and more training vendors are offering online courses. More options means better rates.
3.  Students can ask tutors and instructors questions, and get a personalized response in minutes. In addition, many online training classes provide instant responses to quizzes—providing the employer quick results.
4.  Online courses are as easy as self-tutorials; they provide click-through instructions.
5.  Training content is flexible up until the very moment the student sits in front of the monitor. This makes altering content to address a new technology situation a snap.

Writers Block

I think often we start a blog with so many ideas and information that we think each day it will continue to flow writers-blockeffortlessly. Well in my case content is my biggest challenge and often I find myself with writers block. I mean who really cares what I have to say….not very interesting and just a bunch of ramble pouring out of my thoughts.  I came across a fantastic post that offers much insight, and ideas to keep your blog going, check out—-> 101 Great Posting Ideas That Will Make Your Blog Sizzle.